- Revalue or Devalue for RMB? 币值,是升还是贬?
- What's your exchange rate for RMB notes today? 你们今天人民币现钞的售价是多少?
- Will you please tell me the current rate for RMB? 请您告诉我人民币的现价好吗?
- Would you please tell me the current rate for RMB? 请您告诉我人民币的现价好吗?
- Where can I exchange my dollars for RMB? 我到哪能将美元兑换成人民币?
- It gives me a choice to revalue or change my opinion and respect it. 它给予我一个机会来再评价或者改变我的看法而尊重它。
- Sorry, sir. You'd better exchange it for RMB. 对不起,你最好把它兑成人民币。
- Abolish the waiting period for RMB licences. 取消人民币业务牌照的等候期。
- What's your selling rate for RMB yuan in notes today? 你们今天人民币现钞的售价是多少?
- The two most widely discussed options are to revalue or to shift to a currency basket (which Kuwait has already done). 有两种可能性被广泛讨论,要么调高本币对美元的汇率,要么转而盯向一篮子货币,就像科威特已经做的那样。
- I'd like to have some American dollar exchange for RMB. 我想将美元兑换成人民币。
- Please insure the shipment for RMB 5,000 against All Risks. 请将这批货物投保综合险人民币5000元。
- Therefore, RMB should not be devalued for the stability of Hong Kong. 所以为了香港的经济稳定,人民币不能贬值,这是第二个影响。
- How will China Alleviate the Pressure for RMB Appreciation? 中国应如何对付人民币升值的压力?
- Direction of connection for RMB and RMF coolant is different. RMB与RMF之冷却剂连接方向不同。
- For RMB 60, you can tour this wonderland by horse-drawn sleigh. 花上60元人民币,你可以坐在马拉的雪橇上游览这一仙境。
- A series of mishaps followed, as countries lurched into default or devaluation. 当这些国家突然陷入违约危机和货币贬值后,一连串的灾祸便接踵而至。
- The buyer has lodged a claim on this shipment for RMB 1500 for short weight. 因这批货短重,买方提出索赔人民币1500元。
- FADO Portuguese restaurant now features a lunch buffet for RMB 38 per person. 尊贵享受,尽在法朵葡园餐厅。
- Price for each dinner per person is RMB 1488 net or you can buy package for all dinners for RMB 4988 net. 一次正宴每位来宾人民币1488元净价。4次的正宴套餐价为每位来宾人民币4988元净价。